AI UX Design & Product Innovation

Experience Design

Optimize Live Chat for Conversions

Optimize LiveChat on Website

If you are an e-commerce merchant or a business that uses their website to generate leads, then there is a lot of power in being able to talk to your visitors in real-time.

A few years back phone and email were the only two ways in which a visitor could reach out to a business. The problem with the phone is that it gets a little more personal and the wait times on the phones were huge, they still are huge to date. The same thing with emails, it might take hours if not days for the business to respond.

Bridging the Gap

LiveChat bridges this gap.

It helps businesses talk to the visitors and enables visitors to talk to that business in real-time.

Without being too personal, without having to hold for minutes together, and without waiting for days for a business to respond. When used properly LiveChats are shown to have an increase of about 40% in lead generation.

That is good news.


Let’s talk about placements. According to the usability standards, live chats are usually shown as a floating button placed on the bottom right of your web page. And they need to be in contrast with the rest of the page.

The label on the floating button should read as chat or live chat. Don’t mask it with other words such as, Ask a question or Hire an expert, the user expects to see the words chat. So please make sure that it is completely visible.

Location of Floating Button

Apart from the home page, the two most important pages on which a live chat should be easily accessible and available are the product page and the pricing page.

There is a very high chance that if a visitor is looking at your pricing, they are contemplating in their heads whether this product is suitable for them or not. This is a perfect time in which you can fire up that live chat and strike a conversation with them.

The other location that is often most neglected is your contact us page.

Make sure that the live chat button is seen on the Contact Us page and also include buttons or text links on the page that will fire up the chat.

Ideally, do not wait for your user to initiate the chat. Just be proactive, observe their behavior patterns, see how long they have spent on a page, and then fire up a personalized chat

If a user typically spends about 30 to 60 seconds on a page, just browsing, that is a good time to fire up a customized chat.

Being prepared for Interruptions

The next tip is to be prepared for interruptions.

By asking for the user’s contact information beforehand, you can always go back to them and continue the conversation.

Working Hours

The next tip is letting the users know about your working hours and what is to be done if the agent is not available. Do you want them to leave a message on the chat window or do you want him to leave you an email, just let the user know what the next step is

Beginning conversations with your visitor

The next step is about beginning conversations with your visitors.

Always start your conversations with “Hi, how can I help you today?” or something similar

Always end your conversations with “Is it anything else that I can do for you today?”
That makes sure that the visitor is satisfied with the support and that he has no other questions for the business.

Basic etiquette

Just be polite, have an attitude of gratitude when you’re talking to your visitors. And try to refrain from using technical jargon. At the very beginning, take some time to analyze the level of expertise of the visitor and either level up or level down your conversation based on their level of expertise.

Images and videos

Another bonus tip is to always use images and videos whenever applicable. For example, you are guiding your visitors through a series of steps.. instead of just typing out the big paragraphs and expecting them to read and follow everything, just add an image or just attach a video that you have prepared beforehand, and then type out the text.


I hope these tips will help you make the best out of LiveChat. Remember, LiveChat is a direct interface to the visitors who are on your website right now.

And when used properly, this has shown to increase lead generation to about 40% or higher.

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